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How to strengthen corporate culture with employee recognition?

Comment renforcer la culture d'entreprise avec la reconnaissance des employés? - Accolad

When it comes to fostering a strong company culture, many employers overlook a simple, yet powerful tool: recognition. Some research has also shown that recognition is more impactful when it’s ingrained in the company’s culture.

Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken today to address this problem. When leaders truly understand and define their organization’s culture, they can begin to use recognition to reinforce the unique elements of that culture. They can then make the organization’s goals a reality.

In this article, we’ll share some important tips for strengthening your company culture through recognition. Read on to make sure you don’t miss out.

What is corporate culture?

Corporate culture is the set of values, beliefs, attitudes, systems, and rules that define and influence employee behavior within an organization. It reflects how employees, customers, suppliers, and stakeholders perceive your company and its brand.

It’s important not to confuse culture with organizational goals or a mission statement, although both can help define it. Company culture is created through consistent, authentic behavior, not press releases or policy documents.

The importance of a strong corporate culture

For many employers, the importance of corporate culture cannot be underestimated. When it is well formalized and well defined, it offers many benefits to the company. Here are some of the benefits that highlight the importance of a strong corporate culture:

  • It allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
  • It strengthens the feeling of cohesion within the company, limiting conflicts and increasing employee performance.
  • It positively influences the employer brand.
  • It improves the personnel selection process.

In the latter case, a clear, well-defined and, above all, formalized corporate culture helps to attract new talent in harmony with the organization's values. This helps to improve performance and reduce employee shortages.

What is the relationship between employer branding and corporate culture?

The relationship between employer brand and company culture is indisputable. Employer brand represents your reputation as a company, based on internal and external perceptions of talent. How your employees perceive and act at work (i.e. your culture) plays a crucial role and has a direct impact on your brand image.

However, not all companies manage to align their employer brand with their true internal culture. Some create recruitment campaigns without really knowing how their employees feel, which sometimes leads to an inauthentic image.

In the digital age, transparency is the norm. Platforms like Glassdoor allow employees to anonymously share their experiences, exposing the true culture of the company. A company’s employer brand is therefore closely linked to the authenticity of its company culture.

How to strengthen corporate culture with employee recognition?

To strengthen your company culture, here are some effective steps to follow:

Step 1: Establish your corporate culture values ​​in line with your business strategy

Your corporate culture should be consistent and aligned with your business strategy. Plus, it should play a major role in helping you engage your employees and achieve your goals.

When using recognition to build company culture, start by identifying the cultural goals you want to achieve. By defining the practices that support your company’s goals, you can move forward knowing exactly where strategic recognition should be directed.

Step 2: Use recognition to express the goals and values ​​of your company culture

Once your company’s goals and cultural values ​​are firmly established, the full potential of recognition can be unleashed. You need to strategically recognize employees who implement the actions and behaviors you want to promote.

In doing so, you leverage key principles of social learning, including positive reinforcement and modeling. When employees are publicly recognized for a certain behavior, they feel valued. This helps strengthen employee connections and their understanding of your company culture.

Step 3: Continually evaluate and refine your recognition strategy

Like any cultural transformation, integrating recognition into your company culture and mastering its effective use can take time. To do this, it’s essential to evaluate recognition programs frequently to ensure they’re supporting your stated goals. With the reinforcement that recognition provides, your employees will better understand what’s acceptable and encouraged within the company.

Step 4: Promote quality recognition within your company

If recognition is not truly embedded in a culture, its impact can be significantly reduced. As an employer, you have a responsibility to create a true model of recognition. For recognition to become part of the corporate culture, it must be integrated at all levels of the organization. This means you must be able to recognize your employees’ accomplishments, no matter how big or small.

Accolad, the success of improving your corporate culture

A strong corporate culture is the foundation of a successful organization. It translates not only into engaged and satisfied employees, but also into significant increases in performance and profits. A proven way to strengthen this culture is through workplace recognition, a powerful act that creates lasting bonds between employees and the company.

This is where Accolad stands out as the undisputed leader in employee recognition. With its expertise, it offers an employee recognition solution that goes beyond simple congratulations. In fact, it offers customizable gifts that demonstrate a company’s sincere appreciation for each of its employees.

Accolad has helped employers in Quebec and beyond recognize their employees at special events, strengthening their corporate culture. Don’t let your corporate culture fade. Choose Accolad and discover the difference authentic recognition can make to your organization. Talk to our experts to learn how Accolad can transform your business quickly.

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