Employee well-being at work positively impacts company performance and results. While recognition plays a very important role in well-being at work, did you know that it takes different forms that are all important in meeting your employees' recognition needs? In this article, we will explore the different forms of recognition as well as the events that accompany them. We invite you to continue reading to learn more.

The 4 forms of recognition at work
In this section, we present the 4 forms of recognition so that you can clearly distinguish them and use them on a daily basis, as they are complementary.
Existential recognition
It focuses on recognizing the intrinsic value of the employee as a person. It can be expressed through appreciation of the employee's presence and identity in the professional environment.
Recognition of work practice
It emphasizes the recognition of the skills, behaviors and professional qualities of the employee in the accomplishment of his tasks. Thus, it values know-how and interpersonal skills at work.
Recognition of investment in work
It focuses on recognizing the employee's commitment to their work. It can be expressed through efforts made within the framework of a particular project or through an investment in the company over several years.
Recognition of results and achievements
It is probably the most well-known form of recognition. Based on results, it highlights the employee's performance and professional successes. Therefore, it can be manifested in the form of rewards, promotions or official recognition for exceptional achievements.

The 8 manifestations of forms of recognition
Below you will discover some ways to recognize your employees in your company as an HR manager or employer. But first, if you want to learn more, here is a complete guide on employee recognition.
Formal recognition
This recognition event is formal, structured and planned. It is often implemented by the company through formal recognition programs. Award ceremonies, certificates of appreciation or awards for the best employee of the month, quarter or year are also examples of formal recognition.
Informal recognition
Unlike formal recognition, it happens spontaneously and unplanned. It can take the form of simple verbal thanks, appreciative emails, or warm gestures such as a high five or a pat on the back. Informal recognition is often more personal and sincere, which strengthens bonds between colleagues.
Public recognition
It highlights an employee's accomplishments in front of a large audience. Team meetings, professional events, and company social media can serve as platforms for public recognition. In this way, individual or team accomplishments are celebrated and the sense of belonging to the company is increased.
Private recognition
Unlike public recognition, it takes place in private. It allows one to express appreciation in a more intimate space. Annual reviews, personal emails, or one-on-one discussions are examples of private recognition.
Monetary recognition
She results in financial rewards such as bonuses, salary increases, or corporate gifts. These monetary rewards recognize the economic value of an employee's contributions and can serve as additional motivation to maintain high levels of performance.
Non-monetary recognition
It focuses on positive and constructive feedback. Sincere and personalized thanks fall into this subcategory of recognition. Although it is more difficult to quantify, it remains essential to the well-being of employees.
Individual recognition
It focuses on a specific employee. It recognizes their unique skills, efforts, and personal accomplishments. Specific praise for a successful project, innovation, or exceeding expectations are examples of individual recognition.
Collective recognition
As opposed to individual recognition, it highlights the collective achievements of an entire team or department. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration and unity in achieving goals. Team celebrations, group awards, or group recognition events are ways to recognize and celebrate successes achieved through a concerted effort.

Integrating Employee Recognition into Your Business Strategy
You have just discovered the 4 forms of recognition at work and 8 ways to express your gratitude to your employees. Now that you know that these forms and manifestations of recognition at work all contribute to improving the well-being of your employees, would you say that you have a good strategy to recognize and reward your employees systematically? If the answer is no, there is nothing to worry about. Accolad is a company that specializes in the management of recognition gifts. Its goal is to help you offer personalized gifts to each of your employees at the right time. And that's not all.
Its technology solutions also save you time. Plus, it gives your employees the opportunity to choose a truly exciting gift thanks to its extensive rewards catalog. Want to learn more about Accolad? Talk to an expert now.