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The art of self-recognition

L’art de l’auto-reconnaissance

In the HR field, employee recognition is a widely adopted principle. But what about self-recognition? Often overlooked, this practice involves recognizing and celebrating one's own achievements. Not only does it build self-confidence, it also eliminates the need to rely on external validation to move forward.

What exactly is self-recognition, what are its benefits and how to practice it? We tell you everything in this article.

What is self-recognition?

Of course, it's always nice and motivating to receive recognition from our peers or superiors, but learning to value ourselves can have a significant impact on our presence and effectiveness at work.

Self-recognition involves cultivating a positive relationship with oneself by making a conscious effort to recognize one's qualities and successes. In particular, it helps develop intrinsic motivation and reduce dependence on external feedback. Indeed, this dependence can quickly become a hindrance: we remain blocked or waiting for confirmation to move forward, take risks or innovate.

Self-recognition means recognizing and celebrating your successes, whether they are big or small, and being kind to yourself. This practice contributes to a lasting sense of well-being and accomplishment.

What are the benefits of self-recognition?

Adopting self-recognition has multiple benefits at work, such as:

  • Increased productivity: Self-recognition promotes confidence in one's abilities, which leads to greater autonomy and better leadership.
  • Improved well-being: Research on self-love and self-compassion shows that they reduce stress and increase motivation. Conversely, excessive self-criticism can undermine performance and increase the risk of burnout.
  • Better professional relationships: By developing healthy self-esteem, you can set clear boundaries and better express your needs, which makes it easier to interact with colleagues.
  • Strengthening engagement: An increased sense of self-worth fuels work engagement and encourages a proactive approach to challenges.

Now that we know the benefits, let's see how it is possible to adopt a practice of self-recognition on a daily basis.

How to practice self-recognition

There are several simple strategies and rituals you can adopt to incorporate self-gratitude into your daily routine.

First, you could take a few minutes at the end of each workday to celebrate your accomplishments of the day. Keeping a to-do list can help. Take a moment at the end of the day to highlight your accomplishments, even the small ones: maybe you had a particularly enlightening conversation with a colleague, maybe you finally completed that file you’ve been working on for weeks, or maybe you simply cleaned out your email inbox. Celebrate each task as a small victory, feeling proud and perhaps even treating yourself to a small reward, like a nice latte or a well-deserved moment of relaxation.

You could also make a list of your professional qualities and past accomplishments. Place this list in a visible place in your office, and take a moment to review it each day, focusing on the feelings of pride and well-being it gives you. Don't forget to keep this list up to date!

On another note, don't hesitate to identify your weak points or gaps as well as strategies to work on them. Some companies offer their employees the opportunity to do this exercise with the help of a professional development plan. Knowing how to recognize areas where there is room for improvement, but above all, taking concrete actions to achieve this, fosters a feeling of recognition and gratitude towards yourself, in addition to allowing you to progress within the company.

Encouraging self-recognition in business

Employers and HR can also play a role in promoting self-recognition among their teams. Offering training on the topic or encouraging employees to keep a journal of their successes can transform an organization’s culture. And why not lead by example?

Self-recognition is more than just a personal exercise. It’s an essential practice that improves well-being, productivity, and professional relationships. By taking the time to acknowledge your successes, you increase your self-confidence and contribute to a positive and inspiring work environment. So why wait for validation from others when you can be your own greatest ally?

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